Thursday, April 22, 2010

Introducing my Pet Portrait blog

For all my wonderful blogging friends I would like to introduce a new blog of mine and hope you take a look.
I have started painting Pet Portraits and thought it would be a good idea to have a blog  just for all the wonderful pet lovers. So if you know of anyone or think you may want to give a gift to someone that loves their pet I may be able to help you out. So I invite you to come visit my new blog:

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Just having that special someone!

  It doesn't matter if you are a dog or a person. What matters is that you can share something with someone. Everyone needs a special friend that you can  talk to or share something special. Sometimes you just need someone next to you. Sometimes you don't even need to say a word or bark. A Hug helps when you are sad or just because you feel the need to give a hug. Kisses are fun!!!! Sometimes they are a little wetter than you would like! No one should have to be alone. Call a friend, hug a neighbor, kiss your better half, give a nice word to someone on the street, be thankful for your kids. Life is too short and too many people need just a simple smile to help them get through the day. Friendship is special, Love is a must, Hugs are always needed, and a Kiss really is the best. I hope all of you are a Blessed Day and I am sending you a Whimsical Hug to let you know I care.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Have you ever Loved something so much you wear it out?????

    Mr. Bumble

Yes, Mr. Bumble has been loved so much but he is still going strong with a little help of needle and thread. He became part of our family in 1992. My daughter Hannah was only 6 months old. We took a trip to Buffalo, NY to visit relatives. My older daughter Hilary who was 4 at the time just had to buy this cute little bee for her sister because her bedroom was in the primary colors and it would match. His  name became Mr. bumble from that day on. He has never  missed a beat with Hannah. I can't tell you the number of times he has been left in a restaurant and remembered half way home. He was at all the Drs. appointments and on all the vacations. This little guy has been around and seen it all. My daughter Hannah is now 18 and will be graduating from High School this May. I often tease her that Mr. Bumble will probably be going on her honeymoon with her some day. To tell the truth I was always worried that she would loose him someplace. Worried not only that she would never sleep at night but that I would miss him myself. It's silly when you think about it but I have kind of gotten attached to him too. His little plastic eyes are now all white, his stripes are very faded, he is going bald in a few spots and is quite a bit thinner but he is still OUR Mr. Bumble and he will be loved forever.