My youngest daughter Hannah just graduated from High School on the 13th. We are so proud of her hard work and graduating with Honors. She is a joy to our whole family and all her friends. We had a wonderful party for her on the 15th and had lots of fun with all our 50 guests. I have been planning her party for 2 months. You think that would have been enough time but I was working up until the guests arrived. I also made a scrapbook for her that starts the day she was born until the day she graduated. Now it's up to her to finish and add the party pictures. I was suppose to start the book when she was in 9th grade but like everything else the time got away from me. So I started it 3 weeks before the party. Why I thought that it had to be done for the party I don't know but I got it done and I can relax now. It's amazing what you can get done when you want to have a party. I have my whole yard looking great for me to enjoy this summer. My house is in tip top shape and I am hoping to relax and enjoy my front porch with my family on these warm summer nights. So now you know if you have been wondering why I haven't been blogging lately. Hopefully I will be able to get some of the party pictures up next. Now to close this post I want to congratulate Hannah and to tell her how very proud we are of her. I know she will go far in her years to come because she has a wonderful personality, she is caring to all living things, she is a hard worker, she is a pleaser, and she uses her head and thinks things out. I am so blessed. Thank you God for my wonderful husband Wes who is so supportive, and to both my daughters who have made me so proud of everything they do, and of course my cute fuzzy babies