Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some of my FAVORITE purple things

Theses are some of my favorite things in my kitchen. Everyone knows that I love purple.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Paintings I have painted of my dogs

These are my Shih Tzu that I painted in art class. I have tried to paint flowers and bird but my love is painting pet portaits. From the top is Maggie, Lilly, then Hogan and Zoe. I will paint my new Great Dane Lexi when she gets a little older. Lucy our  first Great Dane is at the bottom. We lost her in 2008 to old age. She lived 11 years. We miss her deeply.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Our Little Angel Dewey

        This post is in memory of Dewey. He would have been 2 years old in April 2010. Dewey was the beautiful baby horse of my wonderful niece Holly. She is  Dr. Holly Breaux DVM. I have never seen a person that has the compassion and love for animals as her. Ever since Holly was a little girl she talked about dogs and horses. We knew that she would become a Vet one day. She now is a Dr. at an emergency clinic  here in GA. Holly and her one horse Fleck have been in many horse shows. She was looking forward to train  Dewey to do the same. All of her horses are Appaloosas. They are the ones with the spotted Rumps. The start of this new year wasn't a happy one for Holly as Dewey became very ill. I think she called it Dead Gut. Poor Holly had to make one of the hardest choices ever in her life. With her love and compassion to her beloved Dewey she had him put out of his pain. If you have a pet and have had to make this choice you know how hard it is. It is sad because Dewey had such a short life but as I told Holly he had the best life because of her love. Holly was very brave and is a strong young lady and I have so much respect for her. She means so much to me and I hope her pain heals fast. Please take one minute and say a little prayer for Holly and Dewey and the many other pet lovers out there that have gone through the same thing. Pray to give them strength. Animal lovers have a special kind of HEART and SOUL. I believe that if you are an animal lover you have the compassion for all living things. Just think of your pet dog who is like your child and how he will love you no matter what. We learn so much about LOVE from our animals. JUST THINK ABOUT IT! Give you pet a HUG today and say THANKS. I see Dewey now having a great time in the beautiful green pastures prancing around and having the time of his life.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Grosgrain Annie's Ribbonemporium at Lakewood 400

 My FRIEND JoAnn has a flare with ribbon. It's a must to visit her at Lakewood 400 in Buford. The 3rd weekend of every month.

    It is so inviting to see all the beautiful colors of ribbon she has.  So as you walk into the building just turn right  and you can't miss her.
      Your eyes will be drawn to the beautiful colors and display of her ribbon.


Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Wonderful Day with Two Wonderful Friends TRUE FRIENDS

  Today was so much fun. I met two of my close friends at Borders for some fun gossip, coffee, and to learn more about blogging. I main reason was to get help with the Blogging but it ended up being a bonding between the 3 of us. At one time we all worked at the same Antique shop together. Now Lonnie and I are in Cotton Depot in Monroe and Dari is at The Queen of Hearts in Buford. You need to visit these two gals on their blogs. Dari is the and Lonnie is Dari is the pro at this blogging thing and has really helped us out today. We really enjoyed each others company and plan to meet again for more bonding. I don't know about you but FRIENDS are very important to me. True friends!!! You can meet a lot of true friends in blogging.True friends are friends that believe in you, are there for you, will laugh with you not at you, they like what you like and if they don't they support you. I am that friend. That's what kind of friend I like to have and that's what I call TRUE FRIENDS. Lonnie and Dari are just a few of my true friends. I have a very special friend that I went to High School with and she lives just outside of Buffalo New York. That is where I am from. The town is call Clarence Center. It's a great town. My friends name is Debbie. We have gone through a lot together. We are Best Friends! I moved to Fl in 1976 and we have kept in touch ever since. We are always there for each other even though there is a long distance. That is where I learned about True Friends. That's been close to 40 years keeping in touch with a friend. We don't talk every week and sometimes it could be a month before we talk. We don't even see each other that much but when we talk on the phone it's like we lived next door.  I wish in this New Year that everyone finds a TRUE FRIEND because life is too short to not even have one! Cheers to Girlfriends!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Valentines Day is just around the corner.

My good friend Ella's booth

I love you too!!! What a cute booth.
Ella has wonderful things for that special person for Valentines. Come visit and see for yourself.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A few Pictures of my Front Foyer

After Christmas is put safely up the attic I enjoy a fresh new look.

I have a thing about birdcages, vintage lace, mirrors and vintage silk flowers. They all seem to go together. I am really looking forward to the warm weather so I can decorate my front porch with all my birdcages and flowers.
I hope you all are staying warm.

Friday, January 8, 2010

January snow in Atlanta

Yep, I couldn't throw the pumpkins out because they were so perfect. Now I think Maybe I could put them in the freezer for next year. LOL!!!!

Our first snow this winter. January 7th. It is so pretty. It was really icy though.

One of my little gardens.


Yes, We have snow in Atlanta GA. All our school are closed, the roads are slick with ice. I'm from Buffalo, NY and this use to be a joke to me when I first came to the south. In order for the schools to close in NY the snow shovel trucks couldn't get out. As the years went by and maybe because I am older I wouldn't get out in it. I think the ice is worse in the south. Also in Buffalo you have the right tiers for your cars. I miss how beautiful the first snow was up north but my blood has thinned over the years of being in the south. I think I am a Southern Girl now. Everyone please be safe and dress warm.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Hannah!
My daughter Hannah was born 18 years ago. Wow that makes me 18 years older. Anyway, she has been such a blessing in my life that I wanted to do something special besides giving her some gifts. It wasn't a big thing but I decided just to have some for her friends just show up for cake. It worked out perfect. The first group arrived and Hannah just thought they stopped by because it was her birthday and they were just being the good friends that they are. A little while later someone knocked on the door and three more arrived. This is strange she said, WOW! Then as they were walking in 2 more guest were coming. Hannah turned to me and said Is this a Surprise party. I think she was really SURPRISED.
Here are a few pictures of her special night. I LOVE that girl!