Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Wonderful Day with Two Wonderful Friends TRUE FRIENDS

  Today was so much fun. I met two of my close friends at Borders for some fun gossip, coffee, and to learn more about blogging. I main reason was to get help with the Blogging but it ended up being a bonding between the 3 of us. At one time we all worked at the same Antique shop together. Now Lonnie and I are in Cotton Depot in Monroe and Dari is at The Queen of Hearts in Buford. You need to visit these two gals on their blogs. Dari is the and Lonnie is Dari is the pro at this blogging thing and has really helped us out today. We really enjoyed each others company and plan to meet again for more bonding. I don't know about you but FRIENDS are very important to me. True friends!!! You can meet a lot of true friends in blogging.True friends are friends that believe in you, are there for you, will laugh with you not at you, they like what you like and if they don't they support you. I am that friend. That's what kind of friend I like to have and that's what I call TRUE FRIENDS. Lonnie and Dari are just a few of my true friends. I have a very special friend that I went to High School with and she lives just outside of Buffalo New York. That is where I am from. The town is call Clarence Center. It's a great town. My friends name is Debbie. We have gone through a lot together. We are Best Friends! I moved to Fl in 1976 and we have kept in touch ever since. We are always there for each other even though there is a long distance. That is where I learned about True Friends. That's been close to 40 years keeping in touch with a friend. We don't talk every week and sometimes it could be a month before we talk. We don't even see each other that much but when we talk on the phone it's like we lived next door.  I wish in this New Year that everyone finds a TRUE FRIEND because life is too short to not even have one! Cheers to Girlfriends!


  1. Hey Whimsey girl. You honor me with your friendship. We had such a good time yesteday just "girling" around and playing with our blogs. I appreciate the kudo's but I'm no expert. I'm just always glad to share what I know with others. Imma a huge believer in "spreading the wealth" so to speak as we all benefit from it. Just listening to the three of us come up with Piggy's blog name because the ones she wanted were taken was so much fun. This is the creative process that I so love with friends. Wishing you a lovely Sunday. Sea Witch

  2. Hey Whimsy you are soooo sweet! I like your changes- they really look great. xoxox piggy
