Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Brother and Sister TOGETHERNESS!!!!!!

Today my daughter and her boyfriend came by the house for a visit and to let the BIG dogs play. Dominic and Lexi are brother and sister. As you can see Dominic is a true boy. (much BIGGER) They were so happy to see each other. I hate to say is but a lot of slime was flying around from all the mouthing and biting each other. i think they will both sleep well tonight.They are will be 6 months old at the end of Feb. Dominic is about 84 lbs and Lexi is somewhere in the 70 range. Next time they get together it may have to be outside till they calm down. Oh it was nice to see my daughter and her boyfriend too.LOL!!!!!!


  1. I WANT ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!They are too sweet!
    Hogs & Kisses, Piggy

  2. Go to thats where we got these two. They are sweet aren't they. I was worried about my new hardwood floors though. Lexi was so sad when Dom left today. we should take Dingo and Lexi to the park.

  3. I knew as soon as I read the title of your post this would be about fabulous and furry four-leggeds. What sweet babies. On another note, love your new header photo. Your blog and Piggy's looks so good. We have to get together again in April if we can. Maybe at Monroe for lunch and I can then take photos of your booths for my blog. Sea Witch
